What a year! As 2017 comes to a close, it's time for us to share our favorite books from the past twelve months. This list was compiled with the help of the PickMyYA teen interns and our amazing subscribers. Check out our 17 favorite YA books in the slideshow below or by clicking here. And be sure to come back next week when we'll be announcing our most anticipated reads for the upcoming year!
So many great books this year, and we need to choose a favorite. But, with so many amazing choices, we know this is a big responsibility. That's why we need you to vote in the poll below! In case you're having trouble viewing the poll, you can also vote by clicking here. Plus, just for your help, we'll give you a key word for an extra entry in our 12 Days Of Giveaways. We'll be announcing the PickMyYA Book Of The Year later this month!
Here at PickMyYA, we believe that it's better to give than to receive. That's why we're hosting our 12 Days Of Giveaways! Enter once, and you'll have twelve chances to win. Click on the picture below to enter to win. We'll be announcing our first winner on Monday, December 4th.