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Welcome to Story Time

Teens matter. And so do their stories. That's what James Tilton believes, and it's why he created this site. He wanted to build a platform where teens could read stories that are just as real, brave, and funny as they are. By teaming up with teens and authors, James is working to make 

For Teens

As a high school teacher, James Tilton knows firsthand the power of teens who claim their own stories. He created Story Time Teen (originally PickMyYA) to help teens find stories they love and share their own stories with the world.

By Teens

We here at Story Time Teen believe that teens deserve the mic. That's why we have teen writing contests and feature teens interviewers for our #BeyondTheBio segments. Want to learn how you can get host an interview with your favorite author? Click here.
Our one-of-a-kind Book Rec Generator matches readers with a young adult book they'll love in 60 seconds or less. It's like having an entire library at your fingertips. And, best of all, it's a completely free way to fall in love with reading all over again.
Every Sunday, one of our teen interviewers chats with an amazing YA author as part of our #BeyondTheBio segment. Plus, we give away free books, signed bookmarks, and other cool book swag. Have an author you want to interview? Click here to find out how you can.
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